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Print vs. Email

Faced with budgetary pressures some people are choosing online or e-mail versions of publications instead of a print version. Here is an interesting take on such a decision.

A study asking whether a print publication can be equally as effective as the same publication in an online version came up with some interesting conclusions.

49% recalled receiving an e-mail invitation that linked to the online site vs. 85% recalling getting the print publication.

When asked whether they preferred getting the printed version of the publication or the e-mail version, 63% said they preferred print vs. 26% saying they preferred the on line version.

Print had a higher open rate.  77% viewed the publication in print while 49% receiving the online version actually viewed the publication. 

Print also had a higher recall rate.  When asked about the articles those who read the print publication had a much higher recall rate than those who viewed the magazine on line.

Faced with budgetary pressures choosing an online publication only instead of print versions may be ill advised because it is less effective in achieving the organizations goals.  It might damage effectiveness and therefore decision makers should not base their decisions on cost alone.

Robert G. Magee, Virginia Tech; Marketing Letters; March 2013, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 85-95. - See more at:


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